

Blake Lively 說:「沒有人能限制你,應該做什麼,不應該做什麼。」

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《牛仔褲的夏天》那個有著高挑身材、迷人氣質的女孩,是許多人對布蕾克萊芙莉(Blake Lively)的第一印象。出道15年,她浪漫的金色捲髮、燦爛美好的笑容,一直是我們以為「自信女人」該有的模樣。但其實,布蕾克萊芙莉在《花邊教主》之後也經歷了一段黑暗的歲月,這個世界對女孩不太友善,但她卻始終以自信和善良去面對惡意的批判。然後在《時空永恆的愛戀》、《絕鯊島》、《失蹤網紅》中展現純熟的演技,終於證明她不只是「瑟蕾娜」。

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布蕾克萊芙莉從不掩飾她的缺點、她的私生活,自2010年主演《綠光戰警》與萊恩雷諾斯(Ryan Reynolds)相遇之後,不僅成為好萊塢最幸福人妻更生下了3個女兒。而她與丈夫之間的偶爾的「鬥嘴」也讓我一次又一次愛上這個聰明的女人;她幽默、真實、自在,總是相信著這世上所有的美好。



"I never think about how other people will respond to the way I dress."


"I can't look at one person's life and say, 'I want that life.' I want to make my own history."

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"Nobody's going to fight for you as much as you fight for yourself."


"If I'm not with somebody who really excites or inspires me, then I'd rather be by myself."

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"No one can limit you. No one can tell you what to do or what not to do."


"The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence."

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"We're all born feeling perfect until somebody tells us we're not. So there's nothing I can teach my daughter. She already has all of it. The only thing I can do is protect what she already feels."


People gossip. People are insecure, so they talk about other people so that they won't be talked about. They point out flaws in other people to make them feel good about themselves.

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"You can't really go wrong, as long as you're true to yourself."


"You can learn a lot from criticism if you can take what's constructive out of it. If you read a review that starts with, 'This person is an idiot; who do they think they are?', you're not going to learn anything from that."

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"It's the choice. You have to wake up every day and say, 'There's no reason today can't be the best day of my life'."


"The most powerful thing is for women not just to be the beneficiaries of the change, but to be agents of it."

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「我的生活態度是:做自己相信的事就一定會成功。 即使其他人不喜歡你正在做的事,你也會感到滿足,只因你始終堅持所信。」

"I look at anything in life like as long as you do what you believe in, then it's going to work out. Because even if other people don't like what you're doing, you're happy because you did what you believed in."


"The only time I've ever done something and felt real reward is when I've done something that's incredibly risky, because without great risks it's impossible to have huge success."

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