
馬汀控注意!Dr. Martens 秋冬馬汀鞋推樂團聯名、龐克鉚釘、90復古設計...6款全新系列總整理!

和英國樂團「The who」的聯名款配色好Q,而且還推出第一雙「防水靴」好想買!😍

By Haremi Huang
Shoe, Footwear, Sneakers, Fashion, Design, Street fashion, Plimsoll shoe, Athletic shoe, Boot, Pattern, pinterest
Dr. Martens

各位喜歡馬汀鞋的朋友們請注意,這個來自英國的經典鞋履品牌 Dr. Martens 又推出全新款式了!2019年的秋冬新品結合了音樂、另類、創新、龐克、復古等元素,希望能帶給大家耳目一新的感受;這次除了特地和英國樂團 The Who 進行聯名外,還推出了誇張的龐克鉚釘系列、經典的編織鞋頭厚底系列、90年代復古設計系列、光滑皮革男士英倫系列,以及都市防護系列,現在ELLE編輯就要帶各位一起來欣賞這6個新系列鞋款,快點一起來看細節吧!

英國樂團「The Who」聯名系列

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Dr. Martens 為了向英國樂團「The Who」致上最高敬意,因此推出了聯名鞋款「The Who Collaboration」。這系列的鞋款在「馬汀」的經典外觀上加進「The Who」及英國的元素,經典的「Smooth 皮革」配上象徵樂團的紅白藍「三色箭靶標誌」非常搶眼,也具有很高的收藏價值。

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Footwear, Shoe, Work boots, Boot, Steel-toe boot, Brown, Durango boot, Hiking boot, Snow boot,
Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens × The Who Collaboration,八孔靴,NT. 6,680元

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Shoe, Footwear, Blue, Outdoor shoe, Steel-toe boot, Oxford shoe, Athletic shoe, Electric blue, Walking shoe, Dress shoe,
Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens × The Who Collaboration,三孔鞋,NT. 5,680元

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Footwear, Shoe, Product, Mary jane, Leather, Dress shoe,
Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens × The Who Collaboration,流蘇鞋,NT. 5,880元

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叛逆與大膽的「STUD PACK」系列

Fashion, Cool, Footwear, Photography, Costume, Art, Shoe,
Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens 今年8月份即將上市的新品「STUD PACK」系列,在鞋履外觀上附有誇張的繫帶、金屬扣、方形鉚釘等,童趣的「白色手繪線條」圍繞在鞋緣,使這系列鞋款在視覺上更加突出,這樣前衛、大膽、叛逆的風格,完美地詮釋了「龐克文化」的特性。

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Footwear, Shoe, Product, Brown, Mary jane, Oxford shoe, Dress shoe, Outdoor shoe, Beige, Dancing shoe,
Dr. Martens


廣告 - 內文未完請往下捲動
Footwear, Shoe, Boot, Work boots, Buckle, Beige, Motorcycle boot, Steel-toe boot, Hiking boot,
Dr. Martens


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Footwear, Work boots, Shoe, Boot, Steel-toe boot, Brown, Hiking boot, Snow boot, Motorcycle boot, Durango boot,
Dr. Martens

STUD PACK,1460 STUD,NT. 7,880元

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Bag, Handbag, White, Leather, Fashion accessory, Luggage and bags, Hand luggage, Satchel, Black-and-white,
Dr. Martens


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厚底編織尖頭鞋「Quad Creepers」系列

Shoe, Footwear, Sneakers, White, Product, Walking shoe, Skate shoe, Outdoor shoe, Athletic shoe, Basketball shoe,
Dr. Martens

全新的「Quad Creepers」系列鞋款,以搶眼的寬厚鞋底、柔順的「Polished Smooth 皮革」製成,並在鞋面上裝飾有編織交錯的圖樣及「D型鞋帶環」,再配上經典黃色車縫線與後跟標,強烈展現出屬於馬汀鞋的獨特性格!

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Footwear, Shoe, Black, Sneakers, Product, Brown, Yellow, Outdoor shoe, Walking shoe, Athletic shoe,
Dr. Martens

QUAD CREEPERS,尖頭編織厚底鞋(黑/白),NT. 6,880元

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Shoe, Footwear, Dress shoe, Brown, Oxford shoe, Walking shoe, Athletic shoe, Dancing shoe, Outdoor shoe, Sneakers,
Dr. Martens

9月下旬即將上市的「Kensington」男士系列,使用黑色的「Polished Smooth 皮革」與櫻桃紅「Arcadia 皮革」,黑色車縫線及雕花設計,使整體造型更顯精緻。

KENSINGTON,肯辛頓雕花鞋(男款),NT. 5,980元

廣告 - 內文未完請往下捲動
Footwear, Boot, Shoe, Brown, Work boots, Steel-toe boot,
Dr. Martens

KENSINGTON,肯辛頓雀兒喜靴(男款),NT. 6,780元

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Footwear, Shoe, Boot, Work boots, Brown, Steel-toe boot, Durango boot, Leather,
Dr. Martens

KENSINGTON,肯辛頓八孔靴(黑色男款),NT. 6,680元

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Footwear, Work boots, Shoe, Boot, Steel-toe boot, Brown, Hiking boot, Durango boot, Motorcycle boot, Outdoor shoe,
Dr. Martens

本季重點商品之一「URBAN PROTECTION」都市防護系列,以全新的「雙重熱封沿條」創新技術,打造出防水靴體的結構,是 Dr. Martens 第一雙主打「防雨的鞋款」,預計10月上旬正式開賣。

URBAN PROTECTION,Dr. Martens waterproof 防水靴,女款 NT. 7,280元/男款 NT. 7,980元

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Shoe, Footwear, Brown, Product, Tan, Oxford shoe, Hiking boot, Outdoor shoe, Boot, Steel-toe boot,
Dr. Martens

10月上旬即將上市的「WOBURN」系列,靈感來自於 Dr. Martens 在90年代所推出的「Club系列」,寬大的鞋楦與翹頭,以及充滿蠟質的皮革,讓你一腳蹬入90年代的懷舊氛圍!

WOBURN,90年代復古三孔鞋,NT. 6,280元

廣告 - 內文未完請往下捲動
Footwear, Shoe, Product, Brown, Mary jane, Steel-toe boot, Outdoor shoe, Beige, Dress shoe, Hiking boot,
Dr. Martens

WOBURN,90年代復古繫帶鞋,NT. 6,280元

廣告 - 內文未完請往下捲動
Footwear, Boot, Work boots, Shoe, Brown, Durango boot, Steel-toe boot, Beige, Leather,
Dr. Martens

WOBURN,90年代復古雀兒喜靴,NT. 6,680元

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Building, Brick, Room, Brickwork, Interior design, Architecture, Furniture, Retail, House, Shoe,
Dr. Martens 西門門市


ℹ️Dr. Martens 西門門市搶先販售「STUD PACK」系列
營業時間:星期日~四 12:00-21:00/星期五、六 12:00-22:00

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