從原本的youtuber,到如今印尼百萬流量女王,Isyana Sarasvati一路用自己的創作,向我們展現了與身俱來的音樂天賦。畢業於新加坡南洋藝術學院和倫敦皇家音樂學院,有著紮實的古典音樂基礎,更精通鋼琴、長笛、小提琴與薩克斯風等多種樂器;然而當你點開她的音樂,卻是天差地別的現代風格,甚至還帶有點金屬搖滾的瘋狂。Isyana Sarasvati就像是盲盒一樣,越了解就越驚喜!


ELLE with Isyana Sarasvati


Isyana Sarasvati:我只能說有太多次了,多到數不出來。其中最有影響力的一次就是最新專輯的巡迴演出,我能按照自己的概念進行製作和執導,我和我的團隊犧牲睡眠時間策劃和構思,為了替觀眾打造最真實的體驗。

I'd say there's too many to count. One of the most impactful ones would be touring my latest albums where I get to produce and direct with my own concept. My team and I spent sleepless nights building and conceptualising the most honest experience for our audience.


But yeah every performance always leaves a lasting mark which gets me closer to my fans. My last performance in Jakarta for instance, was so memorable as I get to be part of the crowd and joined in the mosh pit. At one point I was in the middle of it all performing to them. That is quite a core memory I'd say, connecting so close with my audience.

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Isyana Sarasvati:Queen 樂團,弗萊迪·默丘里。他的一切都如此吸引人。

Queen, Freddie Mercury. Everything about him was so captivating.

ELLE:在2023 LUCfest之前有來過台灣嗎?目前對台灣的瞭解是?

Isyana Sarasvati:是的,我曾在大學時以交換學生的身份來過台灣。台灣擁有豐富的文化和美食,作為一個美食家,我認為這將會是我來台灣最期待的事。

Yes I have for a student exchange whilst I was in Uni. Taiwan is so rich with culture and good food! As a foodie I think that's one of the things I look forward to the most from visiting Taiwan.


Isyana Sarasvati:最近我一直在聽Polyphia。搖滾和重金屬的結合在某方面上能夠撫慰我的心靈。

Recently I've listening to Polyphia. The combination of instrumental rock and metal somehow soothe my soul.

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Isyana Sarasvati - UNLOCK THE KEY (Official Lyric Video)
Isyana Sarasvati - UNLOCK THE KEY (Official Lyric Video) thumnail
Watch onWatch on YouTube


Isyana Sarasvati:我在舞台上是一個完全的「E人」外向者。在現實生活中,我不知道人們是否知道,其實我是個「I人」內向者。

I'm a complete extrovert on stage. In real life, I don't know if people know this, I'm actually such an introvert.


Isyana Sarasvati:不受限制和不斷探索,兼具舒適和實驗性,而且總是很大膽。

Boundless and explorative, a juxtaposition between comfort and experimental looks. And it's always bold.


Isyana Sarasvati:連帽衫以及寬鬆或Oversized Tee,還有戒指。

Hoodie and relaxed fit or oversized tee and rings.


Isyana Sarasvati:這個探索期讓我更深入地瞭解自己,甚至超越了我自己的想像。這真的太不真實了,但我透過不斷練習技藝來更瞭解自己。

These explorative period have allowed me to know myself even better than I could imagine. It's so surreal but I continue to learn about myself the more I practice my craft.


Isyana Sarasvati:我知道自己喜歡什麼,也更清楚知道自己不喜歡什麼。所以現在我所有的決定都是遵從自己的內心。至於我的未來計劃,我和我的唱片公司REDROSE正在進行一些企劃,我們將會和更多有才華的人合作,敬請關注!

Knowing what I love and like and equally aware of what I dislike. In turns, now my decisions are truly driven by my heart. And about my future plans, I have big things in the pipeline with my record label, REDROSE. We're working on adding our Roseters (aka REDROSE rosters) with a few more incredible talents very soon. Stay tuned!


Isyana Sarasvati:保有真實的自己,我知道這很老生常談,但這是真的,我相信一切源自內心的事物都能觸動他人的內心。還有要堅持,最後一切都會值得的。

Stay true to yourself, I know i's cliche but it's true, I believe that everything that comes from the heart will reach the hearts of others. And stay resilient, it will be worth it in the end.


Isyana Sarasvati:舉辦一次世界巡迴演唱會是我最近最想挑戰的事情。今年我在印尼之外的一些國家表演,包括日本、澳大利亞還有台灣,這就像是一場世界巡迴演出的預告。所以祝我好運,很快會實現的。

Having a World Tour would be my near future goal. Performing in a few countries outside of Indonesia this year including Japan, Australia and soon Taiwan, have felt like a teaser to complete World Tour. So fingers crossed, this to come so so soon.